Share Point Portal for HKMK Law Corporation and HKMK Management and Media Corporation
One of the most challenging issues in law and business today is the need to ensure that all firms and persons can access and interact with others that have common challenges or special expertise and knowledge they can contribute to a project. This collaboration tool can help in that regard.
This Microsoft Share Point site allows persons within firms or across firm boundaries to network and collaborate on joint projects or for mutual benefit.
With this site we can communicate with emails, Blogs and Discussion Groups or share access to and jointly contribute to project work. Calendars, lists, links, libraries of documents and files, Wiki pages, surveys and RSS feeds are all available.
Shared and restricted resources include publications, presentations and business or legal precedents related to a range of subjects of current and common interest.
1. Return at any time to the Home Page of this Share Point site with Home at the top left or to our main site at
2. The navigation tabs running horizontally at the top left of the page are just one means of site navigation.
3. The Quick Launch Tool Bar running vertically at the left as links to key site content, but not all site content.
4. The All Site Content links will generally show all site content, but again not all materials are available to every person (See Restricted Access).
5. These means of navigation will generally only highlight what is available to the public or to persons that have accessed restricted areas of the site.
6. If there is something you expect to see and don't then you likely have to have a Username and Password.
7 Charges may be attached to specific resources or for a monthly charge you can access all restricted resources in this Portal and on our main site.
8. To subscribe for one of several available monthly plans Click Here.
9. If you have a Username and Password to access restricted materials and areas of this Share Point site click the arrow beside HKMK Canada at the top right.
10. In the access dialogue box use the bottom box if two boxes show to enter the assigned Username and Password.